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Simple Concepts for Stress-Free Living What is the fourth dimension?
Physically we may exist in three dimensions in this world but in our thoughts, we live in another world. This is the world of our thoughts - the fourth dimension.

In this dimension, we can sort out some of our complex problems impartially. Welcome to this unique world - the fourth dimension. Why do we need thoughts that fill us with evil intentions and make us weak by creating dilemmas?

The very basis of all social, political and religious arrangementsis the security, convenience and growth of individuals. It is better to reject thoughts that create insecurity, regression or mental tension.

Some new problems have cropped up in our personal lives. We are making a grave mistake by not respecting our relationships adequately as a result of the influence of different streams of thought. Probably we have not been able to understand the priorities of relationships the result of which is the breaking up of families and the end of relationships. Today we need to reconsider our relationships.

We have some other problems with which as a cover some clever people are exploiting us. Our food, our age, our future and previous births etc. are some of the things because of which we become their emotional victims easily. In the end, what do we gain from all these?

The Fourth Dimension

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